Ravin' Lunatic
I love this guy.  He makes a serious bad-ass, the kind of guy you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley behind a club.  What am I saying?  I'd love to meet him.
Watch out for the dreaded Rings of URANUS and the Titanic Titty Twister!!!!  You Stoogin' Me?  Huh?  What you lookin' at stooge?
(Perry Saturn)
`Lil Kid
Somebody needs to give this damn guy a bath.  Under all the grease and oil, he's a pretty good wrestler.
(Billy Kidman)
Reeces Cup
I saw this guy at a benefit show in November before he ever joined the flock.  He had pink hair.  He was wearing a WCW shirt and ended up punking DDP like Horace did on TV that night.  He's damn big.
Please kick my ass!  I need the dough. The Unknown Jobber
Can someone please tell me why this guy has a job?
(Lodi, if your too ignorant to notice the hidden joke by WCW.  His look is a rip-off of Billy Idol, spell Lodi backwards.  Now don't we all feel dumb.)
Snotty Riggs
this guy used to be an American Male with Marcus Bagwell, now he's just stupid.
Just like Lodi, why does this guy have a job?  I guess the flock need their own jobbers too.
(Sic Boy)
In case you didn't know, this guy got a job because his uncle is the godfather of wrestling, Hogan.
(Horace Boulder)
Bear with Wide Kanyon
I wish this guy would make up his fucking mind. Wait, nevermind.