G  A  M  E  S
SouthPong.zip 407k The name says it all, you can choose between South Park characters' heads as the pong ball.
SPhockey.exe 706k Hockey game, you get to see SouthPark related ads during the game, hehe.
SPgrpg.exe 330k In this game you are stan running around SouthPark shooting aliens.
Football.zip 908k Weird little southpark football game, Chef sings at half time...
SPextrme.zip 855k Actualy kinda cool, pick from all four characters, Kenny's for example is like "Kenny Kong".
CartmanSays.zip 575k Pretty funny---little Cartman program you right click and it has lotsa' cartman sayings.
SPshoot.zip 384k Kill Kenny, over and over again.
Game.zip 605k Funky little game with all four characters.
KennyGame.zip 998k Strange game with Kenny wandering around.
spkandp.zip ? A South Park "Click and Play" Game.
spshoot.zip ? South Park Shoot-em-up.
Cartmansays.zip ? Cartman Says.
spextrme.zip ? South Park Extreme.
cartmantoma.zip ? Cartman Tomagotchi.
spsckng.zip ? Scuzzle Kong.
invaders.zip ? Alien Invaders.
southparkdm.zip ? South Park Doom II Update.
spskin.zip ? South Park Winamp Skin.
domdodge.zip ? South Park Dominating Dodgeball.
sparcade.zip ? South Park Arcade.
POOFV1.2.zip ? Poof scape v1.2.
sp007.zip ? South Park 007font>
spsoccer.zip ? South Park Soccer.
southbats.zip ? South Park Font.
sptrt.zip ? South Park Trick or Treat.
spboxing.zip 625kb South Park Boxing.
poofwars.zip 369kb Poofwars.
xmas1.zip 2,289kb Matt Crosta's 1998 Christmas game.
sliders.zip 454kb Weird but cool puzzle game.
skfgame.zip 660kb Save Kenny Foundation.
spmario.zip 948kb South Park Mario.


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